Inner Thigh Rash

What is Inner Thigh Rash?

Skin rashes between the legs and close to the groin are known as inner thigh rashes. They include the formation of red bumps, inflammation of the skin, redness, itchiness and a burning sensation. Rashes around this part of the body are common due to the environment of the area. Heat and moisture are favorable for fungal growth and infection. Inner thigh remains covered by undergarments and clothing for most of the time preventing sweat to escape the region. The sweat subsequently dries up and causes rashes. However, these rashes are not illnesses of their own, but they may be effects or symptoms of other diseases.

Inner Thigh Rashes in Infants

Infants may develop rashes on thighs that are commonly referred to as nappy rashes. These may occur as a result of the feces or urine of the baby remaining in contact with the skin for a long time. Therefore, nappies must frequently be changed and care must be taken to keep the area clean. Some antibiotic and anti fungal creams can also be prescribed by a pediatrician to help ease the inflammation and itchiness.

What Causes of Inner Thigh Rashes in Adults?

  • Fungal infection: Caused due to the use of contaminated towels or clothing developing into a damp environment. It may begin by appearing at the crease of the groin and later spread to the inner thighs, genitals and buttocks. It causes itchiness and a burning sensation forming a red ring shaped bumps.
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa: Caused due to the effect of the hormones that control sweat in the armpit and groin area. The inflammation, redness and itchiness are observed to affect women more as compared to men. Such a condition is especially prevalent before a menstrual period.
  • Eczema: People suffering from asthma or hay fever may be subject to the disease that causes red itchy rashes on the inner thighs. Factors such as allergens and stress can cause the condition. Skin of the affected area may thicken due to excessive scratching and may develop into blisters and get infected eventually.
  • Contact dermatitis: The skin may react due to contact with allergens causing redness and inflammation. Personal care products such as body wash, soaps, etc. contain substances that some individuals maybe allergic to.
  • Chafing: Inner thigh rashes may be experienced especially by those who have thicker thighs. Any movement causes the thighs to rub against each other and the friction caused results in rashes. It makes walking or any other kind of movement from one place to another, both painful and challenging. Chafing is accompanied by extreme itchiness and a burning sensation.
  • Cycling: Cycling causes friction of skin in the inner thigh region and is also known as saddle sores. There are certain stages in which the rashes develop.
    • Firstly, a hotspot may develop on one thigh characterized by itchiness and a burning sensation.
    • The second stage is known as folliculitis where bumps or blisters appear at the hair follicles and may also get filled with pus.
    • In the last stage, the rash swells up and becomes tender. It may also need surgery if it develops into an abscess.
  • Jogging: Wearing tight clothes while jogging means that there is a lot of sweat which is not allowed to leave the area. People may have rashes especially during the summers and the monsoon due to the heat and moisture. Wearing loose clothes while jogging allows air into the region and lets the sweats evaporate.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Diseases transmitted due to sexual contact between people also results in inner thigh rashes. Genital herpes is characterized by irritation, infection and itchiness in the groin area.

Symptoms of Inner Thigh Rashes

  • Redness in the affected area
  • Itching
  • Severe allergic reactions may cause breathlessness
  • Blisters in severe cases
  • Burning sensation
  • Experience of discomfort
  • Walking or running, is painful
  • Irritation
  • Inflammation

Tests for Inner Thigh Rashes

  • Skin tests
  • Physical examination of the infected area
  • Diagnosis of the cause of the rash
  • Test for the allergen

Treatment of Inner Thigh Rash

  • Hydration: Keeping the skin hydrated prevents the occurrence, whereby Vitamin D and retinoid creams makes the skin healthy. Moisturizing creams can also be used to treat inner thigh rashes.
  • Steroids: Corticosteroids can be used to treat rashes caused due to eczema. Itchiness in the area prevented by reduction of the inflammation of the skin. However, consumption of steroids in amounts that exceed the amount required for the treatment can have harmful consequences on the health of the individual.
  • Anti allergic drugs: These drugs are prescribed to ease the effects of the rashes. Intake of antihistamines helps to reduce redness and skin inflammation in the affected area. However, these medications do not provide long term solutions for rashes.
  • Immunosuppressant drugs: Cyclosporine is a kind of drug that fades the redness of the rash and reduces its effects. Since these drugs are harmful to the kidneys, they must not be consumed till medically prescribed.
  • Phototherapy: In this process, UV rays are used to slow down the process of the production of the dermal cells. The treatment is helpful in cases where rashes occur due to psoriasis.
  • Retinoid: It is a drug closely associated with Vitamin A and is present in skin care creams or other similar products. However, they also have harmful side effects. To prevent harmful consequences, they should be used under medical supervision.
  • Cold compress: Applying ice on the affected area helps to reduce inflammation and redness. It also reduces nerve activity and reduces the pain as well as burning sensation.

When to Visit a Doctor?

Inner thigh rashes are common, especially in hot and humid weather. Use of antibiotic creams and maintaining personal hygiene can cure. However, if the rashes develop into blisters and carry pus or if they cause problems in movement due to excessive pain, a doctor must be consulted.


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  1. What name July 1, 2018

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