Panniculus Adiposus

Panniculus Adiposus Definition

The term “Panniculus” refers to a fatty tissue growth. Panniculus Adiposus is a layer of fat of the subcutaneous tissue of the skin, known as Hypodermis. The subcutaneous region is the lowermost layer of the skin, comprising of fat and connective tissues. Panniculus Carnosus, a sheath of dermal muscle lying beneath the superfacial fascia, divide the fatty section into a superficial compact layer and a slightly loose deep layer.

Panniculus Adiposus Location

The fat layer is present in the areolar tissue, a loose, connective tissue that acts as a cushion and provides flexibility to the skin, of the superficial fascia. It is also present in various organs, glands and neurovascular bundles of the body.

Panniculus Adiposus Appearance

Superficial cervical fascia is a typical example of this fatty tissue. It is usually present as a thin middle layer between the dermis and deeper fascia of the skin with a rich supply of nerves, bundles, and lymphatic vessels. The amount of fat, however, varies in this particular region of the skin.

Panniculus Adiposus Function

Some of its major functions are:

  • Insulating the skin
  • Storing body fluids, electrolytes and heat energy
  • Absorbing any form of mechanical shock

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