
Deramaxx is the brand name of Deracoxib. It is a veterinary medicine used for treating osteoarthritis in dogs. Read to know all about this drug including its uses, dosage, interactions and side effects.

What is Deramaxx?

It is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It belongs to the coxib class and is non-narcotic in nature. Deramaxx is available as round and chewable tablets. Various flavors are added to the tablet to help doctors administer it to dogs in an easier way.

Picture 1 – Deramaxx

Deramaxx Uses

The medicine is mainly used to relieve pain and inflammation associated with orthopedic surgery in drugs.

How Deramaxx Works?


The mechanism of action of this drug is slightly different from that of the conventional NSAIDS like ibuprofen and naproxen. The traditional NSAIDS work by inhibiting both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes while Deramaxx inhibits COX-2 enzymes selectively. The inhibition of COX-2 results in decreased synthesis of prostaglandins. This also reduces the pain and inflammation in your dog.

Dosage and Administration of Deramaxx

For postoperative pain relief in dogs, the recommended dose of Deramaxx is 3 to 4 mg/kg/day. For relieving pain arising from osteroarthitis the recommended dose is 1 to 2 mg/kg/day. It is easier to administer these drugs due to their availability as chewable tablets. The half-life of the drug is 3 hours and the main exit route is the anal passage.

Side Effects of Deramaxx

This drug can produce a number of side effects, most of which are mild but can also be severe in some cases. Some of the most common side effects of the medication include:

  • Increased urination, discolored urine
  • Vomiting
  • Gastric ulcerations
  • Lethargy and irritation
  • Increased respiration
  • Black stools
  • Pale gums and hot spots
  • Dry eye followed by squinting

If you notice any of these side effects, contact a veterinary doctor immediately.

Overdose of Deramaxx

Picture 2 – Deramaxx Image

An overdose of this medicine may result in serious side effects like stomach upset and jaundice. When you administer high doses of Deramaxx to your dog, it results in inhibition of COX-1 as well as COX-2. COX-1 inhibition, due to a Deramaxx overdose, is manifested by adverse effects.

Precautions with Deramaxx

While using this medication for the treatment of osteoarthritis in your dog, you should remember to take the following precautions:

  • Inform the veterinarian about all the past and present ailments of your dog. This is especially important if your dog has suffered from any gastrointestinal disorder (such as diarrhea or vomiting) in the recent past.
  • If your dog has had any renal disease in the past, it can result in NSAID toxicity on administration of Deramaxx. Thus, you should inform the veterinarian about any past renal condition so that an alternative drug can be prescribed.
  • Do not use it in pregnant or nursing dogs as the medication may lead to health complications.
  • Administration of this drug can also have dangerous consequences in younger dogs. In emergency cases, however, it may be used under strict medical supervision.
  • The medicine should not be used in the treatment of cats.

Drug Interactions of Deramaxx

The medication may show interactions with other non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, such as Gastrointestinal Toxicity. Thus, its use should be avoided with drugs like Aspirin, Prednisone and Metformin. You should inform the veterinarian about the medications administered to your dog in the past. Again, you should not start any new medication without consulting the veterinarian after he has prescribed the medicine for your dog.

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