
Are you a young adult? Suffering from firm, painful tumors below your skin surface? You may be suffering from a condition called Angiolipoma. Read on to know all about Angiolipoma, its causes, symptoms and treatment.

Angiolipoma Definition

Medically, Angiolipoma is defined as a benign tumor that contains adipose tissue and blood vessels.

What Is Angiolipoma?

Angiolipoma is a rare disease that gives rise to firm tumors under the skin. These are benign, that is non-cancerous, and are usually yellow in color. These firm growths consist of tissues and blood vessels. The Angiolipoma tumors are mostly seen in people between 40 and 60 years of age. You will rarely find angiolipoma in children. Angiolipoma lesions, however, can be found in young adults who have recently attained puberty.

Angiolipoma is also known as Telangiectatic Lipoma or Lipoma Cavernosum.

Angiolipoma Location

Angiolipoma tumors usually arise on chest wall, forearm and arm. They are also seen on the neck and trunk of a person.

Angiolipoma Causes

The exact reason behind the appearance of Angiolipoma tumors is still unclear. In patients of Angiolipoma genetics may or may not be a causative factor. However, genetic conditions like Familial Multiple Lipomatosis may give rise to this disorder.

In some cases, minor injuries have been reported to result in the development of an Angiolipoma tumor.

Angiolipoma Symptoms

Angiolipoma syndrome is mainly characterized by the appearance of tumors under the epidermis of skin. As aforesaid, it is a non-dangerous growth that consists mainly of fatty tissues and blood vessels. These tumors are generally hard though they may be soft to touch in the initial stages. They are painful and usually move under finger pressure when they first begin to appear.

Angiolipoma growths are generally small but they can get enlarged with time and grow to be as large as 6 centimeters. They grow very slowly.

It is unusual to find only a single Angiolipoma tumor arising in an individual. In most cases, two or more of these growths arise on the skin surface. They look like bumps under the skin surface. Multiple Angiolipoma is more common.

Angiolipoma Diagnosis

An Angiolipoma tumor is diagnosed with the aid of Capsule Endoscopy, Retrograde Ileoscopy and Computed Tomography (CT) Scan.

Angiolipoma Treatment

Usually, this condition does not need any treatment. Angiolipoma tumors are benign and painless and mostly asymptomatic. However, medical Angiolipoma cure becomes necessary if the tumor becomes painful or impedes movement. In such cases, one should go for a complete Angiolipoma removal through liposuction or surgery. Many people also opt for Angiolipoma treatment as the condition can disfigure physical appearance.

Liposuction helps to remove an Angiolipoma tumor completely. However, the process works best only when the tumors are soft. It is also a temporary cure as the Angiolipoma mass usually grows back.

Angiolipoma surgery is the best known method for an Angiolipoma removal. An Angiolipoma excision takes about half an hour to complete and has a high chance of success. But the operation should be done properly and carefully as the slightest part of an Angiolipoma can lead to its re-growth. Operation also leads to scarring of the area.

Angiolipoma Prevention

The exact cause for Angiolipoma development is not known. This is why it is impossible to prevent the development of Angiolipoma. It cannot be predicted when the disease can appear in a person and whom it will affect.

Is Angiolipoma Painful?

An Angiolipoma is a painful tumor. This is unlike the other kinds of Lipoma like Neural Fibrolpoma and Angiolipoleiomyoma which are non-painful in nature.

Angiolipoma Management

Angiolipoma is typically asymptomatic and it is not very difficult for people to manage these growths. Angiolipoma tumors on chest or upper arms can remain hidden inside clothing. Angiolipoma on neck and forearms can be concealed by wearing high-neck dresses and apparels with long sleeves.

Is Angiolipoma Benign?

As aforementioned, Angiolipoma is a benign. This is why it does not cause deadly complications. The disease affects very few people annually and there are no known cases of death. There is no reported case of Angiolipoma mortality.

Angiolipoma Malignancy

Angiolipoma does not result in malignant complications. There is no known case of Angiolipoma cancer. It is also unknown if this condition can lead to malignancy in rare cases.

Angiolipoma Pictures

Want to know how Angiolipoma skin tumors look like? Here are some useful Angiolipoma images that will help you. Check out these Angiolipoma photos to know about the appearance of these subcutaneous growths. You can also compare your lesions with the ones shown here in these Angiolipoma pics.

Picture 1 – Angiolipoma
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Picture 2 – Angiolipoma
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If you are suffering from Angiolipoma, you need not worry. Angiolipoma tumors are not malignant and usually asymptomatic. People with these growths do not suffer from any complications. But if you are suffering from pain and other physical discomforts, you may go for treatment. Early treatment will help you get cured quickly from this disorder and have a faster recovery.


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